Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The City of Northpoint

Complete Map of Jelling

Home to King Artin Ivenent ruler of Northern Jelling.

The City of Northpoint is built into steep black cliffs and is always damp from the mists of the many cascading waterfalls which spring from the various cracks in the rocks and from Lake Surma above. The great coliseum is the only one in the world to have a roof over it. The city boasts a huge protected sea-cave where most shipping and harbor activities take place. The Black Diamond dwarves rent dock space there for three iron clad warships, the Emerald Goddess, the Prince Calding and the Brazen Wolf. The ships have wintered over safely here for 40-years and is part of the reason why the King's sister to the south has been unable to take Northpoint by sea.

A city in the Nation of Jelling

CG Small City; Capital city of monarchy; Kingdom of Northern Jelling

Corruption +-1; Crime +0; Economy +3; Law +2; Lore +2; Society +0; Spells 9th


Holy site (Church of Yol, Church of Bilonoc, Church of Northern Jelling)
Rumormongering Citizens
Strategic Location (Secure harbor and Northern most defenses)
Tourist attraction (Capitol city and covered gladiatorial arena)

Danger: 5


Overlord: King of Northern Jelling
Council: Harbor masters
Magical: The Bitter Dusk Magic Guild

Population 10,646 (humans, half-elves, dwarves)

Notable NPC's

  • King Artin Ivenent of Northern Jelling(CG Human Male barbarian 4/Aristocrat 16)
  • Cestus of Bilunoc (LN half-breed male cleric 17/monk2)
  • Salanda the Honest (LG Half-elf male Wizard 17)
  • Dougfred Vivofree (NE Human male cleric 10/rouge2)
  • Yattic Grimwald Mayer (N Human male aristocrat 3/expert 7)
  • Kromwold Dirthammer first mate of the Prince Calding (N Dwarf expert 4/fighter 5)

Base value 6,000
Purchase limit 37,500
Spell casting 9th
Minor items 4d4; Medium Items 3d4; Major Items 1d6 (75% 1/week)

Ready cash 7,984,500

Guards/Soldiers 106

Militia 532
The king is: King Artin Ivenent

Background: A disgraced noble
Goals: Help a child get a good start in life. This was cool because I was thinking about the king's children; he has one wife and nine mistresses, his wife bore him a female child; she is now age 22 and is named Mysa, Princess of Canton.

The mistresses of the king all have given birth to girls except for his third mistress, named Ellerine Bassat, who had a boy named Cadus Bossat; he is six as of this writing. The king thinks the world of this boy and sent him and his mother off to Glenfiddich to live free of the political conflicts of the island. Yup the king has one legal heir to his thrown and one he wishes could be heir; the only son out of 16 children. He actually has a portal to the city and an apartment there, this could be another way to get at the king via the two way portal in Glenfiddich.

More about the king
Physical: The king has different colored eyes; one green eye and one blue.
Personality: The king is a failed actor and blames everyone for it. Ar age ten the king was set on being a play actor though his temperament made him difficult to work with it was truly what he wanted to be when he grew up, and would have been, had his father not died.
The king's Priest is:
Cestus of Bilunoc who now acts as the leader of the Northern Church of Jelling.

Background: He is a reformed criminal
Goals: Get into history books He has done this by creating his own religion and by befriending the king and ousting the church of Yol from their position of leadership in the Northern Church of Jelling.
Physical: he has a shaved head as do all Bilunoc priests.
Personality: He has a stock phrase and an accompanying gesture. "As Bilunoc wills it..."
The King's old priest was:
The Yolian response to Cestus is:
Dougfred Vivofree the Yolian bishop representing Yol inthe north.

Background: Pious member of a notorious family his ancestors are said to have forced out the royal family of Jelling out of power in JY 896 and started the infamous Merchants Alliance which lasted a short four years before King Harold the Bold stepped forth, and by force, reclaimed the thrown. Vivofree Merchant Clan (VMC) is still strong in jelling, but no longer a symbol of power.
Goal: Erase past failures with a single dramatic act; this has been stymied by Cestus being placed at the head of the NCJ.
Physical: He has one of the those long curled mustaches.
Personality: Seems to lack moral compass when making plans; often proposes horrific solutions to minor problems --this is considered a good trait in Yolian leadership school; which is why he is Bishop.
The King's Wizard is:
Salanda the Honest Chief Advisor to the King

Background: Former witch hunter
Goal: Prove noble heritage
Physical: Handsome
Personality: Is a very distant noble and treats lower orders with disdain.